Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind podcast returns for series two

The second series of Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind podcast has launched today.

A psychologist, magician and academic, Professor Richard Wiseman holds the UK’s only professorship in the public understanding of psychology. He’s fascinated by the science behind magic, deception, the paranormal, luck and self-development.

Richard’s books on these topics have sold over 3 million copies and his YouTube videos have racked up over 600 million views.

As a guide to the human psyche exploring how we think, feel and behave, the first series reached No.1 in Apple Podcast’s Science charts.

The second series will cover topics from the mystical world of astrology and star signs to the secrets behind the clothes we wear and what you should say on a first date.

Richard and Marnie will also revisit the world of dreaming and the paranormal, looking into dream control and psychic mediums.

The first episode looks at the psychology behind creativity, asking questions such as – Is there a secret to creativity? How can you become creative? Are children more creative than adults?

You can also send your own questions to @wisemanpod on Twitter.

From Podimo and TellTale Industries, Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind series two is available on all major podcast platforms from today, Wednesday 28 June.

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