Human Resources podcast returns for third series

Human Resources podcast hosted by politics and pop culture journalist Moya Lothian-McLean is back for its third series.

Made by Broccoli Productions, the podcast explores the true story of Britain’s involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and how it touches every part of the nation, up to the present day.

Moya is known for seeking out under-reported stories and marginalised voices; she is also a descendent of both black African slaves and white slave owners or overseers.

Throughout the podcast so far, Moya has explored a range of British history and cultural topics ranging from the monarchy and Britain’s first slave trader to UK pub culture and even chocolate – to contextualise the impact that the transatlantic slave trade has had on daily life in modern Britain.

Although Britain abolished slavery in 1807, this wasn’t the end of the slave trade. The new ten-part series focuses on the abolition period, from exploring how the Church of England introduced the concept of ‘race’ as we now know it, to two episodes focused on women slave owners. Moya, alongside expert contributors shines a light on some of Britain’s often hidden histories.

The third series of Human Resources launches today, 5 September and is available on all podcast platforms.

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