US study shows 81% positive over curated podcast content on radio

A US study commissioned by Podcast Radio found that 81% of respondents would be very likely or somewhat likely to listen to a radio station broadcasting curated podcasting content.

A description of Podcast Radio was tested via Coleman Insights’ Pod Predictor service, which measured among a panel of 500 18–64-year-old podcast consumers in the United States.

Results revealed that the Podcast Radio concept has broad, positive appeal across U.S. podcast consumers in geographic regions across the country with 25% saying they “Love it” and 28% saying they “Like it a lot”.

podcast radio survey curated content

Gerry Edwards, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Podcast Radio said: “Podcast Radio can help radio effectively play offense to the rise of podcasts as an in-vehicle, in-home and mobile entertainment choice.

“This new data reinforces that strong, engaging, spoken word content continues to evolve in exciting ways to meet the needs of U.S. listeners. That can enable radio to remain competitive and provide an attractive alternative for radio stations and radio groups.”

Gary Krantz, Founder and CEO, KMG Networks, noted: “Podcast Radio’s curated, customised, and localised podcast programming on the radio presents a tremendous opportunity for the radio industry and podcasters.

“The Coleman Insights study reinforces what we are experiencing in the first U.S. markets to introduce Podcast Radio: Podcast Radio is an innovative and highly appealing new option for spoken word radio programming in the U.S. – and an idea whose time has come.”

 AJ Lurie, Vice President/Market Manager, Beasley Media Group-Southwest Florida, a Podcast Radio affiliate, commented: “Listeners are enthusiastic about getting high engagement podcasting content on their local radio stations – and that presents a premium opportunity for advertisers.

“In just a short time airing the Podcast Radio format on our stations, we have already started selling local programming and we are excited to see continued revenues and growth.” 

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