Amaze Media Labs releases enhanced and redesigned Audiencelift 2.0

Amaze Media Labs has released Audiencelift 2.0 with enhanced capabilities and a full redesign of its audience growth platform.

“Since the launch of our initial beta product over one year ago, we’ve continued to work with creators and publishers to refine and improve our industry-leading audience growth platform,” said Brett Sklar, Co-Founder at Amaze Media Labs. “With the release of Audiencelift 2.0, we’ve taken what was the most potent podcast growth engine in the world and made it even better.

“We ran over 600+ podcast growth campaigns last year where the average download cost came out to between 3 cents and 12 cents per new listen.

“We have now added new features that will not only offer cost effective pricing on real human downloads but add in the ability to track listens and significantly enhance campaigns.”

Audiencelift grows podcast audiences by advertising its trailer on a carefully curated roster of premium digital publishers such as CNN, Yahoo, WSJ, finding real humans interested in exactly what the show is about.

New listeners then download full episodes of the podcast, growing the audience and driving additional revenue.

With Audiencelift 2.0, users can now set custom campaign start dates, duplicate successful promotions to extend the life of their marketing campaign, and track how many “Listens” their campaign added to their podcast’s performance.

In addition, integration features with Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and other platforms are in active development. Amaze expects to have these features implemented by Q2 2025.

“The number one request we’ve received from our clients is the ability to track how many additional listens or downloads their audiencelift campaigns have generated,” said Amaze Co-Founder Robert Tuchman. “With Audiencelift 2.0, podcasters can clearly see the effectiveness of each campaign and track their podcast’s growth within the Audiencelift dashboard.”

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