New podcast reports week’s most influential geopolitical flashpoints

A new weekly global news podcast, 90 Seconds to Midnight, includes informed analysis, discussion, and on-the-ground reporting about the week’s most influential geopolitical flashpoints.

Produced by DMG Media, the podcast is hosted by the Daily Mail’s Special Correspondent David Patrikarakos.

The Doomsday Clock is the symbolic countdown to human extinction; a universally recognised, annual indicator of the world’s vulnerability to man-made global catastrophe. If the clock strikes midnight, the world will have ended.

Although the Doomsday Clock is set annually, given the scale of the challenges facing humanity on a daily basis, this podcast will be setting its own version of the clock each week.

David will be joined by expert guests in each episode, with the first being Ukrainian war reporter, Illia Ponomarenko, recorded on-location in Kyiv.

Upcoming contributors include journalist and historian Anne Applebaum on the rise of dictators around the world; historian Niall Ferguson on the new global confrontation led by China, Russia and Iran; and former Israeli Government Spokesman Eylon Levy.

At the end of every episode, David will ask his guests one question: are we closer, or further away, from midnight?

David Patrikarakos grew up with an Athenian father who moved to Britain following the 1967 Greek Junta, and a mother driven out of Iran by a gang of geriatric ayatollahs. Geopolitics has been an inescapable part of his life since birth.

After an ill-advised (and ill-fated) foray into law, he became a foreign correspondent and then – almost by accident – a war correspondent. He is interested in the forces shaping our age. War, sadly, is chief among them.

90 Seconds to Midnight is available on all podcast platforms from today, Thursday 12 September.

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