Un(con)Trolled drama podcast tackles real life cyberbullying

Un(con)Trolled is a fictional drama podcast inspired by a real event, a first-person thriller that dives into cyberbullying, revenge, and the blurred line between control and chaos.

The podcast series was created by Kimberly Renee, a sought-after speaker, powerful storyteller and commentator, and internationally awarded social activist. She was also named as 2022’s Woman of the Year by USA Today.

In December 2022, Kimberly found herself staring at an online troll’s home on Google Maps, which reminded her of how easy it is to uncover someone’s name and address online.

Earlier that day, an “anonymous” person took the time to email her, calling her a “house slave uncle tom b*tch” (among other things).

He had time. And that day, so did Kimberly.

As she stared at his Los Angeles bungalow, she wondered: “What if I didn’t have my wits about me? What if this wasn’t just a fleeting ADHD obsession that would pass as soon as another shiny object caught my attention?”

Instead of doing something that could get her arrested, Kimberly created Kenah – a fictional character social media influencer capable of doing what most of us wouldn’t dare.

Skilled at uncovering trolls’ darkest secrets and delivering her own brand of karmic justice, Kenah’s journey on Un(con)Trolled twists through unsettling encounters and sharp mental manipulation, leaving listeners to ask: Who’s really in control?

This series comes at a time when social media companies are under intense scrutiny in the UK with the introduction of the Online Safety Act, which gives regulators the power to enforce stricter controls on these companies.

Un(con)Trolled has recently featured under Apple Podcasts’ “New and Noteworthy” – a noteworthy achievement for an indie publisher sitting next to podcasts from some of the biggest production companies in the world!

Kimberly told PodcastingToday: “Thus far the podcast has been incredibly well received, which brings my heart joy. Just look at the reviews – they speak for themselves.

“Listeners have called the story captivating, addicting, relatable, and refreshing. And perhaps even Apple agrees with them as we’re currently listed under ‘New and Noteworthy’.

“Frankly, when I submitted to be considered for a feature, I never imagined we’d be included. But we made it! And since, we’ve continued to break daily listen records.”

All episodes of Un(con)Trolled are around six to eight minutes long and available now wherever you get your podcasts.

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