True crime podcast Witnessed investigates deaths at veteran hospital

A new season of the true crime podcast Witnessed investigates the story behind a 500 percent increase in patient deaths at a veteran hospital in Columbia, MO in 1992.

From Sony Music and Campside Media, Witnessed: Night Shift is hosted by crime-writer and the author of Tokyo Vice, Jake Adelstein.

The series looks inside Ward 4 East at the local VA hospital where three doctors discovered a suspicious increase in patient deaths all occurring in the overnight hours, with the same nurse on shift at their bedsides.

Adelstein goes back to his hometown to explore the unsolved 30-year mystery of what might’ve been one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history, what really happened during the night shift, and why the hospital tried so hard to hide it.

Jake Adelstein says: “My father was a pathologist at the Truman VA hospital and was responsible for ordering the investigation into these deaths, so I’ve felt a strong desire to investigate this story, and this suspected killer, for decades.

“Shoko Plambeck my co-host on The Evaporated, and I got new access to recordings, court records, and firsthand encounters. Together on Night Shift we take a deep dive into the complexities of this case hoping to finally solve it after all this time.”

You can subscribe to Witnessed: Night Shift on The Binge today to listen to all episodes, all at once. It’s also available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher.

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